Tamarack Goals for 2016

Last month, the Tamarack Holdings team met to discuss high level goals and action items to be completed by the end of 2016, and we’re excited to share these with you. Later this year, our team will go through our own strategic planning process. This will help align our work with each entity's vision and goals over the next few years.

1) Develop and support the process to allow each of the Tamarack operating companies to define their purpose and value propositions, and to define appropriate monitoring metrics.  

  • Complete the program structure for the West Michigan Fruit Belt Farmland Program to present to investors in Q1 of 2017.
  • Complete the rebranding and repositioning of Earthy.
  • Develop full marketing plans for 2017 for Earthy and Cherry Capital Foods.
  • Create a  brand and communication plan for Tamarack Holdings.
  • Develop and begin execution on Earthy’s Strategic plan.
  • Support the successful execution of the Cherry Capital Foods’ Strategic Plan.

2) Provide all teams within the Tamarack family with the tools required to successfully implement their strategic plans and initiatives.  

  • Hire and fully transition an Executive Director for the Institute of Sustainable Foraging.
  • Identify and secure a new location for Food for Thought.
  • Select, create an implementation plan, and start the implementation process for an ERP solution to replace MOM.
  • Select an e-commerce platform and develop a project plan to launch a new version of Earthy.com.
  • Create the Tamarack Marketing Agency Model to implement in 2017.
  • Update/create employee handbooks for all entities.
  • Launch the Warehouse Redesign Project.
  • Outline recommendations for CCF Fleet Future State.

3) Lead subsidiary companies in the development and implementation of  budgets and healthy financial practices

  • Develop budgets for all companies for 2017 and 2018.
  • Document and formalize processes within the finance team to adhere to best accounting practices.
  • Construct and implement a process to gather and deliver company financial information and narrative to owner and management.
  • Assist each company to fully understand their cost structures to aid in decision making, empowering each to achieve long term financial stability.

4) Create the roadmap to become the employer of choice for the top tier of our talent pool by end of 2017.

  • Create and deliver a set of IT procedures and policies in coordination with SafetyNet and HR.
  • Complete a software implementation plan with documented how-tos for the rollout of Slack amongst the Tamarack entities.
  • An average of 4 hours of training per employee across all Tamarack Entities by the end of the year.
  • Develop a performance feedback and development tool for 2017 implementation.
  • End 2016 with zero lost time injuries.
  • Proactively work to develop strong servant leaders across the organization.

- Colleen Valko, Strategy Manager